This is a brief history of my hobbies.

I’ve been using computers since the early 80s, quickly learning how to program in Basic and Logo first, and then in Assembly (first 6502, and then x86).

I’ve been interested in computer generated graphics since I forever, and I got involved in the demoscene starting from 1992, I’ve founded a group (Spinning Kids) helped organizing demoparties, held events, and I’ve also joined the demoscene awards as a juror first, and lastly as the head of the jury.

I started learning C++ since 1994. I learnt it because I wanted to write a real-time raytracing engine for a demo, and the other language I used, Turbo Pascal, wasn’t powerful enough. I ended up doing three 64k intros with that engine (I Feel Like I Could, Sviluppo Insostenibile, and Taint) and a section of a demo (H.E.Art).

I’ve always been interested in electronics, but never grew it into a profession. I do know enough of soldering and digital electronics to fix and maintain most of the machines from the 80s and 90s owned by me or my friends.